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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Can I be your bride?

Grace Braun has been making music around Atlanta under the name D.Q.E. (short for Dairy Queen Empire) for something like 20 years. Though DQE has gone through several lineups, Grace's husband, Dugan Trodglen, shows up in most of them.
As for the music, think of a perpetually middle-aged southern woman, yelling like a cheerleader as she plays either acoustic punk or quiet ballads on her guitar. Sometimes she drums on the stove with pencils. Other times she has a full band. And, in this case, Dugan plays washboard. Here is yet another track from Radio Oddyssey 2: The Georgia Music Show, live performances on WRAS 88.5 FM, which also gave us "Hamlet" by Smoke, and "Black Ice" by Rock*A*Teens.

Mermaid and the Sailor

There is an inferior recording of this song on Braun's first solo album, It Won't Hurt, available here. More on DQE at Dark Beloved Cloud.


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