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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Just a few years later they would have been huge

In the early 90's, Atlantans Bill Taft (guitar; see previous entries for more info on him), Kelly Hogan (vocals), and Walter Brewer (drums) formed The Jody Grind. Instead of following the popular styles of the day (or moving forwards), they decided to go backwards and follow the popular styles of 50 years earlier. Their first record, One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure, includes versions of Burt Bacharach's "Wishin and Hopin," Henry Mancini's "Peter Gunn," Duke Ellington's "Mood Indigo," The Gershwins' "It Ain't Necessarily So," and Frank Sinatra's "I'm a Fool To Want You." There are a ton of albums like that out there, though, right?
Because The Jody Grind actually pull it off. Kelly's amazing voice is definitely the center of The Jody Grind. I would rate it right up there with Billie Holiday or Nina Simone. The band, though incredibly talented, pretty much just follow her, occasionally making something beautiful like Taft's restrained guitar work on "Blue and Far."
Not long after their next record, Lefty's Deceiver, came out, new drummer Robert Clayton and bassist Robert Hayes died in the same car accident that killed Deacon Lunchbox (who is sampled on One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure)
Hogan and Taft went on to form Kick Me before Hogan left to go solo and Taft started playing full-time in Smoke.
Here are some original tracks from their long out of print first CD:
Eight Ball
Blue and Far

And most importantly, some previously unreleased live tracks:
Don Gato (children's song
Lola Marie (Sung by Bill Taft)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there, great site you have. I'll bookmark it to come back to.

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robert Clayton was the drummer of Jody Grind that died with bassist Robert Hayes and Deacon Lunchbox when a drunk driver hit them head on in April, 1992. Walter Brewer was not with the band at that time. I wish Robert Clayton had not been their drummer at the time, as he was my brother.

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Jody Grind. Amazing. Thanks for the post(s). I was a freshman at Northside in Atlanta, before later going on to Athens radio, where Kelly often played in the lobby, and I have great memories of Rob the rock star - you could spot him a mile a way with his long red hair, big smile and even playing as a senior, always so friendly and cool to everyone, even a nerdy freshman who liked music. Great band and so young! A shocking loss. Blessings to you.

5:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought "One man's trash.." back in '91 on a whim in my local record store because I found the cover interesting - being 15 and considering yourself an aficionado makes you do that.

I didn't know a thing about the band, my only source was the sleeve and the music itself, remember this was pre-internet, you couldn't just google it.
Plus it wasn't the easiest thing to find records by a band sharing its name with another "Jody Grind", making some brand of rock music as well.
Imagine finally finding a record store with a slot in the bins actually labelled "Jody Grind" -- and then it's the other guys...

After knowing and loving this album for the better half of my life now, I still come back to it when the rose is off the latest novelty.

I'm more curious about new and old music than ever, but The Jody Grind will forever be among my Top 5 and there is really only a handful of albums that stand this test of time for me.

It's records like this I still have a turntable for - nowadays I have it on CD and ripped to my harddrive as well, but this one calls for being played old-skool from time to time.

Thank you for your post, I just tried my luck typing their name into the "Hype Machine" and it came up, listing songs I did not know at all (the live stuff you posted) - can't say I liked those too much, but you can probably guess how high I set the bar growing up with "another man's treasure.."

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to GA State with Rob. He was a beautiful person and a talented musician. Miss him to this day.

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Viagra said...

Robert Clayton was the drummer of Jody Grind that died with bassist Robert Hayes and Deacon Lunchbox when a drunk driver hit them head on in April, 1992

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Viagra, you just stole what Robert Clayton's sister already said. You haven't contributed anything new. So, you can quit your spamming.

6:25 PM  
Blogger skin.side.down said...

Someone please clean out the disrespectful spam from the scumbags that posted under Viagra and costa rica real estate.

I can't believe it's been twenty years since we lost Rob...but I'm not surprised that I've not met a purer soul since that quiet Easter morning.

Tonna if you read this please look me up on Facebook


12:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That "Blue and Far" song is brilliant. Wow. Amazing....

2:21 AM  
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